Its a match: How Tinders engineering team works to build relationships

Its a match: How Tinders engineering team works to build relationships

Tinder is in the business of relationships. So it makes sense that its engineering team is built on personal connections.

With fewer than 200 engineers maintaining a platform for millions of users, the company maintains a tight-knit staff that enables each person to make a difference. In the office, that means constant brainstorming sessions, Slack feedback channels and internal test groups.

But those relationships extend outside the office, too, with frequent barbecues, trips to Big Bear and trivia nights. Those bonds shape the app and make it easier than ever for users to spark a new relationship.

We spoke with four members of the Tinder engineering team to learn more about how they build connections both at work and in their own lives. Continue reading “Its a match: How Tinders engineering team works to build relationships”